Very Strong!! Sleep Hypnosis & Meditation to Fall Asleep Fast | Calm Your Busy Mind | Dark Screen

This audio track contains powerful 
hypnotic suggestions and language patterns   that can induce drowsiness so please 
do not watch or listen while driving,   operating machinery of any kind. or if you 
are in any place or situation where it is   not safe for you to completely relax or fall 
asleep. Only listen when it is safe to do so   and when you can devote your attention 
to your full comfort in the here and now. And so hi, this is Nick, and I'm 
so pleased to be talking to you   and spending time with you as you choose to 
engage in this most valuable relaxing time out… …and enjoy a calming journey towards 
your most soothing bedtime rest… thereon to a night of your 
deepest overnight healing… … and of sleeping so soundly… … and with such pleasant dreams and 
peaceful ease of your resting mind and body… …and ready to face the new day in a more 
positive, hopeful inspired and expectant way… …because, as always, I have written 
this self-hypnosis and guided meditation   with the unwavering belief and confidence that wherever you are in the world, whatever you are facing, 
and wherever you are going tomorrow will be a better day than today and so if you haven't already done so, 
take a few moments now to arrange yourself   into a position where you can remain 
relaxed and safely undisturbed.

And while i don't pretend to know 
your preferred resting orientation, you might find that you fall asleep a 
little sooner and a little more easily   when you place your arms by your sides, 
or across your chest, and cross your legs and give yourself all the room you need to 
spread out to your full and natural length before taking a couple of 
longer, slower deeper breaths just to remind your conscious and the deeper parts 
of you that are listening in that now is the time and just the right time to give yourself all 
permissions to make the simple   and not always easy choice to 
just release and let everything go to clear your mind of any 
daytime distractions or concerns of any remorseful reflections 
of your recent or distant past and setting aside as best you can 
any tendency to indulge in anxious   fearful or unproductive thinking 
about the days that are yet to come as you allow your focus to drift 
away now from the outside world so that you can settle your awareness internally over the course of this next little while and whether your chosen position of 
relaxation finds you laying or sitting   on a bed a couch a sofa or a chair you might already find yourself wanting 
to lightly close your tired eyes or if you prefer allowing 
your eyelids to come to rest   in that dreamy half closed position 
that allows your gaze to soften your horizons to widen and all of the muscles used 
in that close range focus to just loosen and relax making it so easy for you as you 
continue to rest back to imagine   now how delightfully calming it feels to just 
close those heavy eyes whenever you so choose and although i may not be able to 
personally talk with you at this very moment i do know that you really 
are curious about hypnosis and that you are wondering how 
much you will enjoy this session and i know also that you have been anticipating 
just how quickly and easily you will fall asleep which is a very good thing and because you're so curiously 
wondering and anticipating like this you're going to set aside any feelings of anxiety   concern or unease and journey 
down into such deep relaxation in so many pleasingly different ways which means of course that you're going 
to fall asleep so much faster than before and sleep for so much longer it's so much deeper simply by following my soothing 
guiding words and my visualizations however you so wish and always in your own relaxing way and this journey of relaxed 
focus or focused relaxation can be initiated so easily now simply by bringing your conscious and even your 
subconscious awareness to your surroundings sensing feeling and placing 
yourself in time and space in the here and now familiarizing yourself with 
the ambience of the location   in which you have chosen 
to spend this relaxing time noticing the supporting surface below you any nearby or distant sounds the temperature of the air on your skin and if your eyes remain open 
you're noticing the colors the tones and the textures 
of the objects around you and if your eyes are closed you're noticing the colors the shapes and the 
patterns on the back of those resting eyelids as you continue this observation 
of your relaxing self by moving your attention to the 
gentle rise and fall of your chest tuning into the natural 
rhythm of each passing breath the easy coming and the easy going with 
a soft long breath in through your nose and a slightly shorter and more 
energetic breath out through your mouth that's right taking a long slow light breath in and breathing out again with a little 
more purpose and with a little more focus feeling that healthy flow of oxygen into your body that cool air streaming into your 
nostrils and deeply down into your lungs followed by the more conscious 
expelling of that warmer air   out into the world through your pursed lips just noticing and acknowledging the sounds the textures the temperatures and the feelings 
of this life-giving process and pondering also for a moment whether consciously or subconsciously 
it doesn't really matter how it feels to own your own relaxation like this to be wholly responsible for 
your self-calming journey and to wind down within this serene 
trance in such a pleasing way breathing in positivity and energy now breathing out negativity and tension as you find yourself beginning 
to notice the emergence   of a growing kind of inner perception of awareness that with every longer shallower breath your senses are shifting away from the outside and reorienting a little more to the inside and that your mind really 
is becoming calmer and karma quieter and quieter as you invite now into all expanding 
folds of your growing peace and stillness the personal qualities it will reinforce and 
encourage on so many levels this deeper relaxation not only today but tomorrow and every day thereafter connecting with your caring 
nurturing and encouraging inner self to rediscover those heartwarming 
feelings of self-acceptance self-understanding self-kindness and all of that caring self-compassion that 
once came to you so easily and instinctively remembering that you really can sweep aside any 
of those more anxious or unsettling feelings which can sometimes be as simple as the whispering   to yourself with a few silent 
inner words of encouragement the acknowledgement of your 
successes and accomplishments other bringing to life in your mind's 
eye of what it will look and feel like   when you do achieve your most 
inspiring future dreams and ambitions as you allow each next longer deeper 
and naturally optimized breath to unlock and to release   and even embrace your reacquaintance 
with all of these nurturing sensations as you begin to notice now how with 
each longer slower deeper passing breath these beautiful waves of relaxation are 
moving beyond your mind to your body and i wonder if you can within 
your expanding sensitivities   notice any particular areas of your body   that in one way or another are sending 
to you some kind of signal or sensation or calling out to you more noticeably 
for a little more attention or perhaps there are some areas of your 
body that you sense are beginning to   respond in a more appreciative way 
to these longer deeper inhalations and these longer deeper exhalations just noticing and acknowledging the parts of 
your body that feel the most relaxed right now and perhaps finding whenever you pay 
attention to these relaxing sensations those feelings they begin to expand and amplify as you absorb yourself in and become one 
with all of your body's rhythms and pulses sending any necessary physical 
breaths or perhaps even the sensation   or the emotional presence of the breath to any 
particular areas of bodily tension and tightness and allowing those areas to receive   and absorb and respond to all of that 
healing relief and repairing energy in a way that resonates so deeply within you and in a way that you instinctively 
acknowledge and understand as you allow each expanding breath to soften 
all of those firmer tighter tensor areas as there were messers skilled and 
experienced hands gliding across your body the healing warmth and the gently 
applied pressure in all the right places releasing all of those knots smoothing out all of the tendons 
and fibers in those tighter muscles and spreading all of those 
relaxing waves and sensations as in line with this growing relaxation 
you allow your body to instinctively   and intuitively find the rhythm of breathing 
that delivers to you the most intense relaxation and descending calm all the while remaining mindful that 
this descent into your higher self this journey of deep relaxing 
bliss is not to be rushed but to be savoured and enjoyed because it is such a beautifully 
calming and peaceful feeling is it not to be able to observe experience and feel your mind and 
body unwinding together like this all daytime tensions unease or negative thoughts dissolving and fading all physical discomforts easing away as this combined sense of calm 
sends you deeper and deeper down and for some this journey into 
your most intense level of serenity   might feel like you're floating or flying perhaps like a snowflake or wisps of 
pollen drifting away there on the breeze or like a hot air balloon 
released from its tethers soaring high into the sky and floating so joyously with such freedom passing high above a patchwork quilt 
of fields meadows and hedgerows in quiet country roads and villages scenes of such quaint and idyllic peace while for others this voyage of inner 
discovery is more of a descending feeling as though traveling 
or maybe even floating also down a set of beautiful 
stairs in an old country home an ornate antique staircase that leads to that 
special inner place of your very own imagination and you're gliding down these beautiful stairs now enjoying the soft warmth of a 
lush velvet carpet on your feet as you run your hand along 
a smooth wooden handrail that you may wish to see as a 
representation of my voice here that is guiding you safely 
down those beautiful stairs to your deepest relaxation this descent may feel like a pebble or a 
stone falling to the bottom of a lake or ocean tumbling through undiscovered depths through a world where everything becomes quieter and calmer the hidden depths of the water so 
still and so protectively peaceful or you may find that this sense of descending calm   comes quite simply by picturing 
yourself laying back on a large log raft in a beautiful far-off land of your own creation and you're drifting so smoothly 
and so gently downstream through a wide valley flanked by snow-capped 
mountains and tumbling waterfalls and forests while light white clouds drift 
peacefully across an azure blue sky   that is blending into the orange 
hues of a distant setting sun a citrusy aroma of pine spruce and 
fur hanging in the light breeze as you inhale crisp clean alpine 
air so refreshing it makes you gasp and right there in the distance 
just a little bit down there a little bit over there at the base of this mountain there's a large deep blue crystal lake and you instinctively feel drawn to the purity to the peace and to the stillness 
of this beautiful cleansing water and i wonder if you can imagine now the feeling 
of drifting so serenely down this mountain valley just allowing the soft currant to 
nudge you this way and that way the gentle swales and ripples 
so soft and so calming they're easy with them ushering 
away all thoughts and concerns you head towards those deeper 
loving and nurturing places like you were child being rocked to 
sleep in the arms of a loving parent as you feel the gentle caress of the sun's rays and the light touches of a warm 
breeze sweep across your face as you inhale even more of 
that crisp clean mountain air taking that refreshing and healing 
oxygen down into your lungs breathing in so easily so lightly and so gently holding that in-breath for 
as long as feels comfortable and for as long as feels right eventually releasing that 
breath back into the world as those transitions between each 
breath become longer and longer and those transitions between each breath in and each breath out become longer too your breathing is slowing down so smoothly like a merry-go-round at the fair coming 
to a halt as the music begins to fade away as you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation just going with the soothing 
flow of this gentle stream enjoying this growing sense of tranquility as you float lazily by lush 
green meadows and fields adorned with such ornate flowers and flora there are rich red tulips there bright yellow daffodils and purple and pink azaleas their vivid hues enriched by 
the soft late afternoon sunbeams and there are other bright plants too so unique and extravagant in shape and color   that they can only have been crafted 
by your own dreamlike imagination and you're floating now through an 
archway of beautiful old oak trees their protective limbs overhanging the stream stretching out wide and deep and high casting mottled patterns and shadows 
that come alive on the still water as soft late afternoon sunlight 
splinters through the branches and as you drift so serenely through 
this beautiful shaded archway it comes to mind that the resilience of this 
sturdy oak comes not from what you can see   above you but from the deep underground routes 
that once started out so flimsy and so fragile but now spread far and wide to 
underpin this fantastic tree giving it the foundation and 
the freedom to grow and flourish and to reach continuously and 
unconditionally to the sky always following the warmth 
and the light of the sun always searching for growth and energy and it comes to your attention also when you gaze upwards and 
peer deeply into the branches when you look a little more closely there the shape and structure of this tree is not 
as perfect or as pristine as you first thought that there are in fact many broken 
and skewed and distorted limbs and you begin to understand now 
that this tree is always healing always regenerating and always rebuilding always growing stronger and more resilient 
as it patiently waits for days like this when the sun shines when the birds sing when the flowers bloom when life in all of its 
wonderful variety flourishes because this wise old oak also 
knows that the seasons are temporary and that when storms and the 
winds the cold and the rain arrive so they will also at some point pass and that warmer sunnier days 
are always on the horizon as you find yourself moving on down into the 
stillness of that vast beautiful deep blue lake all of that descending momentum all of that 
gentle flow coming to a smooth slow port and you're just drifting and floating so peacefully and aimlessly too without direction because there's no one with journey now no destination just a pure joy in the freedom of being of living and existing in 
these calm tranquil moments and going wherever you're all knowing 
intuitive subconscious chooses to take you as you continue to relax so deeply on 
the surface of this still calm water drifting across the deeper hidden world below a world that holds all kinds of 
submerged treasures and wonders   that are waiting to be 
discovered or even rediscovered and i wonder what you would find at the bottom 
of this lake or ocean if you chose to look what kind of treasures lay buried here what kind of discarded or forgotten 
dreams and ambitions lie dormant waiting for the right moment 
to rise to the surface again and all that's needed to restore those 
past goals all those forgotten dreams is a moment of inner recognition and awareness to look forward only with positivity and energy the kind of moment that comes when your 
mind is still and when your mind is quiet unshackled from the past and the future and free to direct all thought energy inwards right now in this present moment when you find yourself gazing 
up now at a deep blue sky observing the clouds passing 
above one after another reminding you that life is 
continually moving and changing that situations and circumstances are transient and that when those clouds do 
pass as they eventually always do they leave behind blue skies and sunshine and i wonder if you ever as a 
small child in those days back when perhaps in a simpler less complicated time you ever wondered what it will be like to see it 
or to lie back on one of those white fluffy clouds and just drift across your own horizon because you're feeling so 
relaxed now so beautifully serene just alone here in your own 
still calm and quiet mind losing track of time have you been listening here for 10 minutes for an hour or two hours and of course it doesn't really 
matter to you now does it because this is your time and you have nothing to do nowhere to be nowhere to go you're free to travel wherever 
your subconscious mind takes you to whatever heights your 
imagination wants to soar now all the while trusting in your higher self   to bring to you only the most 
enlightening and relevant experiences this late afternoon turns into evening the rich blue sky transitions into dusk and as dusk transitions into darkness where distant sparkles of light 
begin to emerge against the richer   darker tapestry of the night sky and a hundred trillion stars come out to play and you find yourself gazing upwards with such awe 
and wonderment into infinity and maybe even beyond into the past and into the future into the vast expanses of 
the universe in all its glory and i wonder if you can imagine now if you so choose what it would feel like to place your 
consciousness out there among those vast expenses to connect and unite with the 
universe's healing energy and pulses to become the light to become the stars to become the energy and you're riding with sunbeams 
and with shooting stars and comets your mind and spirit racing 
through colorful distant galaxies at one with the universe's timeless energy the past the present and the future all one now and i wonder if you're asking what 
will you learn about yourself out here in this space where there are 
no boundaries to your thinking when you can connect with 
all distant past memories and all future moments all at the same time what comes to you in these timeless 
weightless moments of freedom and authenticity what inner meanings or understandings what learnings what inspirations will you find here because the time is right right 
now to ask all of those questions to plant the seeds for all of 
your future dreams and ambitions right here in the fertile soil 
of your subconscious universe as you allow your imagination 
to soar at unimaginable speeds   through all of those far-off galaxies and worlds anywhere and everywhere and as one part of you soars high among the stars perhaps another part of you is 
continuing to settle with such comfort your innermost haven a silent observer 
now of your interstellar journey a hub of dark seductive stillness that 
you can return to whenever you are ready as you become engulfed by a cloak of serenity and sleeps enchanting tentacles gently draw 
you towards all of its mystical inner spaces those areas deep within that are so skilled at 
luring you away from all conscious awareness and so subtly and so pleasingly changing 
all of your inner vibrations and frequencies as with each long slow in-breath you invite in and absorb now all of the universe's 
unlimited healing and rejuvenating energies and with each long shallow cleansing out breath you clear your mind and body of 
all conscious thoughts and feelings as you find yourself floating away into the cosmos and descending into yourself finding only peace hope and positivity because maybe it is the case now but those shining stars out there they now represent all of your brighter tomorrows all of the sparkling moments of positivity 
and joy in your life that are yet to come all of your hopes all of your opportunities and all of your success and it feels so good now does it not to embrace this new sense of calm and stillness and this new sense of hope and belief all of those sensations of healing warm and all of that nourishment that comes 
when you exist only in the present and when your pathway to serenity is no longer 
blocked or obstructed by anxiety or fear when you can transition so swiftly 
into your deepest your most personal and your most creative inner spaces and explore so freely all of 
those subconscious corridors as you simply rest back now   and allow sleep's irresistible call to 
beckon you down into its protective fold into your personal sanctuary of healing your own private inner haven your mind can recharge and refresh and absorb all of your intuitive inner wisdom where you can float so peacefully and explore whenever you are ready   all of the hidden levels and flaws of 
your loving and welcoming subconscious because you really are ready to be cleansed   refreshed and healed now by your 
body's soothing and calming patterns as any lingering or distracting 
thoughts just drift away and as you just float into 
the purest deepest sleep your internal rhythms carrying 
you so soundly and so gently as all of the beautiful sounds and 
colors and vistas of the universe   settle around and within you soothing and guiding you to complete rest and you're free now to so beautifully 
enjoy this upcoming deep sleep to dream with such positive hope and expectation while you heal and replenish so fully from within as you just flow deeper and deeper and deeper and so all that remains is 
for me to wish you good night and to sleep well my listening and resting friend and until the next time with my deepest and my very best regards nick so you

As found on YouTube

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About the Author: Eugene Berry