3 BEST Beginner/Senior Leg Exercises Using A Kitchen Chair, Improve Balance & Walking

♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪ The two most famous ♪ ♪ Physical therapists ♪ ♪ On the internet ♪ (clapping) – Hi folks, I'm Bob
Schrupp, physical therapist. – Brad Heineck, physical therapist. – Together we are the most
famous physical therapists on the internet. – In our opinion, of course, Bob. – Today, we have the
three best beginner/senior leg exercises using a kitchen chair. You can improve your balance and walking by doing these simple five exercises. – Right, Bob, with all this COVID going on and the hot weather, people stay inside. You get weaker, increase
your chance for falls, it's the last thing we wanna do. – Right, so we're just gonna show you these simple ones to do, but be safe while you do them 'cause we don't want you to
fall while you're doing them. – Right. – By the way, if you're
new to our channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos how to
stay healthy, fit, pain free, and we upload every day. Also you wanna go to our
website, bobandbrad.com, 'cause this week we are giving away the Bob and Brad grip strengthener! – Ah, yes! – Well, actually, Jay invented it.

– Right. – But we said we'd go ahead
and distribute it for him. Strange looking device
but this is a great device for, you do curls with it, even. – Right, but it's for the grip. Fingers and wrists. – Yeah, oh man, I've been
using it lately, by the way. – Good for you.
– I'm back to it. – Well, I can see the
bulging Popeye forearms. – So just, check that out, it's there! – Okay, you can go to Facebook, it'll also be pinned to
the top of the page there. Go to Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok if you want a 60 second
version of our program. Let's go to work, Brad. – Okay, Bob. So when we say a kitchen chair, it doesn't have to be a kitchen chair, but it should be something
that's a firm chair, but not too flimsy. – [Bob] Pretty stable. – [Brad] Right, right. – [Bob] This might be a little too flimsy. – That one will be, but this one's okay. So these exercises are gonna focus on the legs, the ankles, and the hips. Everything you need to
walk and stay steady.

And actually, the title said three, we're gonna put two more in there, two simple ones. – I said five at one point. I don't know if I said five originally but I said five at one point. – Okay. – Nevermind. Play it back, you'll see I did say five. Maybe not originally, but
I said it later, then. – The first one is, I'm
gonna turn the chair sideways and pretend this is your cupboard at home, a solid cupboard, unless your balance is pretty good already and you're doing it for leg strength. I'm gonna hold on to the chair
here and I'm very steady. And Bob's gonna show
it from the side view. – Right. – And we're just gonna do some marching, stationary marching.

And you're gonna bring the knee up as high as you feel comfortable. Now if you can get it up pretty high and you can actually touch
the top of the chair safely, that's a good thing to do, but you don't have to by any means. If you just wanna bring it up, like this chair has a brace right here, I might only go to that level. It really is not that important. Some people like to have a visual goal, others are just happy to bring it up to the level of comfort. So we're gonna do 10. You can go 10 on a leg. If that's too much, go ten counting back and forth, being five on a leg, would be a good goal. And then when you're done with that, we're gonna go to toe ups, okay? Now, Bob's there. I'm just thinking if I should show this from a different angle. We're just gonna go up on your toes. – So it's really heel ups. – Yeah, you're bringing your heels up, that's a good point. Sometimes I've always wondered about that.

And this is one, you can
actually side the chair and go right to here. The reason that we do it this way is so your knee doesn't
hit the back of the chair. That can be uncomfortable. Heel ups, up like this. Now you'll be surprised, a lot of people, when I've worked with patients, when they get, like, 67 years and older, boy, they only can go up an inch or two, and they can't get a full heel up, and that's a reason for poor balance. One of the reasons. So work up as high as you can and down, with a goal of doing 10 of them. Use the chair, and this one, you can actually
go right to the countertop. – Countertop, sure. – That's more stable. If you feel better there,
again, like Bob said, everything here, take your time. – Safety comes first. – Absolutely. Are we gonna go to the heel ups? – Sure, or the– – Now the toe ups. – Now the toe ups! That was heel ups, now
we're doing toe ups. – Now this is one where if you
chair is wobbly like this– – Yeah, you want something stable.

– Right, then you do want to
find something more stable. And can you see that? I think if you happen to
be one of those people that feels like you're falling backwards or your balance is going backwards, which is pretty common, this is a good one to help that. So try to have good posture. We're not gonna lean forward like this.

If you have a countertop
with a kitchen sink, that's a really good place
where you can put your hands and hold on to that. And just try and bring your toes up. – And as Brad mentioned before, with some people who have
trouble clearing their feet, this may be the muscles that are weak. – Right. – And plus they may be tight, so you're stretching the calf muscles and you're strengthening the muscles that bring the toes up and the foot up. – So when you swing your foot through, sometimes you feel your toe catch, which can lead to a fall very easily.

This one helps prevent that. So again, 10 to 15– – It's interesting how
weak your ankles can get if you don't do strengthening exercises, so these are really, they're not minor things. They can make a big difference. – What number are we on, Bob? – Well now we need to do hip abduction. We got two more to do yet, Brad. We got hip abduction. – So again, if you're using a chair, you could do this one
at the countertop, too. I'm gonna use the chair. Bob, you're gonna show the back side? – [Bob] Yeah, I'll do the back side. – So we're gonna just, one leg, you're gonna go out to the side as high as you feel comfortable and back. But Bob, show them what
not to do with your trunk. – [Bob] Yeah, you don't
wanna dip down like this. You don't wanna be dipping or even dipping this way. You wanna stay straight up and down, bring the leg out, and the toe should be pointed
forward straight, too. You don't bring it out like this. Like that. You wanna have it straight
forward the entire time.

– Now the goal is to do 10 on each leg. You may wanna start with five depending on how comfortable you feel with it. I usually have my patients
go left leg 10 times and then right leg 10 times. If you're having knee joint pain, that might be a
consideration with this one. Work with it the best you can. And then the last one, now this one I found very interesting. I took a course on
strengthening for seniors and there was a study that found out that this specific exercise was the– – Best one.

– The best. If you're gonna do just one
exercise to work on your balance this was it. – I agree with that. – For at home.
– I concur. – And Bob concurs. So what you're gonna do is, and all you have to do is, sit to stand, but if you have a hard time doing that, you may wanna have, we don't have a chair with
arm rests here unfortunately. You can use the arm rest assist.

– To start, yeah. – Yep, and go back down, and do five. The goal's gonna be 10. You may not be able to do 10 right away 'cause this can be difficult. If you can push up and
it feels pretty easy, pushing with both hands on the arm rest, just go to one arm rest. If that's still easy, simply put your hands on your knees. You can do it that way. That gives you a little balance, gives you a little help. And if that's easy, then bring your hands out in front of you or across your shoulders, and this would be more advanced.

And you'll feel those
legs working very good, so take your time. If you don't feel steady doing this, make sure you have your
hands on the arm rest. We don't wanna fall. And 10 of those. – One thing I've taught people, Brad, just as kind of an aside, if you have trouble getting out of a chair and there's no arm rest, you can actually turn your body like this. – Sure. – And use the back of the chair and put one hand on the seat of the chair.

– Yeah, and also, if you're
by the kitchen table, you know, a lot of people will use that without even thinking about it. – Sure. – And that's another way
to stay steady as well. – But like you said, a lot of times, just putting your hands
on your thighs can help, 'cause you can get a little
push up from that, too. – Exactly, Bob. So in review, again,
it's the marching one, we'll do 10 of them a side from there, then we got your heel ups. – Heel ups. Toe ups. – Toe ups. – Hip abduction. – Out to the side. Make sure you do both legs otherwise you start walking in circles. That's one of my terrible jokes. And always finish with this one because– – You see I didn't argue with you? – Yeah.
– That is a terrible joke. – I thought you were
daydreaming or something. And then always finish
with this one for sure because it takes the most energy and you'll need a rest.

– See there's a good
point here, Brad, though, that, you know, we have a lot of people that get those chairs that automatically, those sit to stand chairs. – Yep, those recliners with
electric motors in them. – Yep, and I have no problem with that if you're so weak you
can't get out of a chair. – Safely, yep. – But the problem is, that will make you weaker. Over time, you will find out you can't get out of a chair at all now because you're never using those muscles. So what we recommend is, if you can't get out of a chair, you get one of those chairs. Go the minimal amount. So you raise it up just enough so you can still have to
work to get out of the chair. – Right, always make it so
it's a little bit taxing. – A little bit of a challenge. And then if you get stronger, put it back down again and keep it down.

– Right. – I mean, 'cause I can
tell people right away who have been using them for a long time. I'm like, you've been
using a sit to stand chair. They go, how do you know? – 'Cause you can't get out of the chair. – You can't get out a chair, and I checked manual muscle testing and they're really weak. – Right. All right, so Bob, I really think this is
a good time for this and I hope it fits everyone's needs. – Yeah, by the way, Brad and
I can fix just about anything. – Except for– – A broken heart. – There you go! – But we'll give advice if you're asking. – Yeah, but this video is not
gonna help a broken heart. – Yeah. – I think, I don't know. – All right, thanks for watching. (upbeat chord).

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