Are These 7 Daily Habits Aging You? | Dr. Steven Gundry

Are these seven habits Aging you? Alright, number 1. 6 small meals a day. By eating all day,   you're giving your mitochondria those mini power 
plants in all your cells no time to rest up. This is why time restricted 
eating is so important.   Allowing your body and your gut 
to rest and digest between meals not only helps you live longer, but 
it'll make you feel younger too. And bedtime snacking also ages 
us faster for the same reason. Please try to stop eating 
about 3 to 4 hours before bedtime. It literally gives your brain a chance 
to do a deep cleaning while you sleep. And if you eat too close to bedtime,   that deep cleaning that brain 
wash, unfortunately never happens. Number two, sitting all day. So if you want to feel young and 
youthful, you've got to move your body,   you gotta walk every day, take a walk in 
the morning, take a walk after dinner. I said it over and over again. Get yourself a dog. A dog is gonna get you out 
whether or not it's cold,   whether or not it's hot at least twice a day.

And here's a fun fact: studies of people 
who walk before dinner versus people who   walk after dinner, the people who walk 
after dinner actually lose weight on   the same caloric intake as people who walk 
before dinner and they don't lose weight. And there's a good rationale why that is, but 
walking is one of the best things you can do. The other thing that's exciting is you 
do not have to exercise all at once. Contrary to popular belief,   you don't need to exercise long bouts 
to reap the benefit of movement. In fact, there's a new study that was 
published just this week showing that   if you got up and moved for five minutes 
every two hours while you're at work,   you will break the deadly effect of 
sitting. Five minutes every two hours. Why? I call it exercise snacking.

And now multiple papers like this one 
shows that small breaks, like for instance,   3, 10 minute breaks throughout the day gives you 
more benefit than 30 minutes of continuous exercise. They're easy to do. One of the easiest ones that I 
can't imagine all of us don't do   is while you're brushing your teeth 
twice a day, do deep knee bends. You're sitting there any hour for a minute or two,   just do deep knee bends and you've 
got two minutes of deep knee bends. Same thing when you're on your 
couch, slip down and do backward   push-ups or front push-ups on 
your couch. Too lazy for that? Do a plank on your couch. It's really easy to get up 
and just do something. One of my favorite hacks is 
if you work in a building,   take the elevator up, but 
then walk the stairs down.

Studies out of Austria showed that 
people who did that actually got   the same benefit as the people who walked 
up the stairs and rode the elevator down. So walk down, it's easy to 
get in these small exercises. Most importantly, get a dog. Number three, eating whole 
grains and corn based products. All right, here's the problem. Folks, these products are loaded 
with lectins and eventually all   of these products get turned into sugar. Even if a product says organic low sugar, trust me, folks, you don't want 
to put that into your body. You're damaging your gut and therefore damaging   the rest of your body. By 
getting rid of this habit, you're gonna feel younger than ever.

Number four, sleeping late 
or getting irregular sleep. Now, deep sleep is of vital importance 
because of your brain wash cycle opportunity. And you've gotta have wash cycles in your 
brain to clear out all these inflammatory   proteins like beta amyloid, for example, 
that builds up every day and your brain   actually has a wash cycle to clean 
it out, literally like a dishwasher. So you gotta have consistent sleep patterns. The other thing we've learned sadly is 
you can't make up for days and days of   sleepless nights by sleeping in on the weekend. One thing we're learning is that this is 
literally like jet travel, changing time zones. And if you think about it, it 
makes a whole lot of sense. We now know that your gut microbiome has its own   circadian rhythm that does 
not like to be disturbed. So if you get up at six o'clock in 
the morning during the work week,   but you then say I'm sleeping in until eight 
or nine o'clock on Saturday and Sunday,   you've literally changed 2 to 3 time 
zones in terms of your gut microbiome.

And the more we're learning 
about circadian rhythms,   the more we're finding out 
that that simple habit of,   oh, I'm sleeping in on the weekends to get 
more rest is doing you more harm than good. Another reason to get a dog, your dogs 
work on their natural circadian rhythm. And I can assure you that our four dogs do 
not understand the concept of sleeping in. Get yourself a dog. Number five, 
eating too much animal protein. Now, sadly, eating over consuming animal 
protein can lead to insulin resistance,   metabolic inflexibility and even weight gain. Now a little is fine. Come on, I grew up in Omaha, 
Nebraska, but a lot is not,   I'm sorry. Try to cut back to about 
four ounces of animal protein a day.

And like I always say, not only are you what you 
eat, but you are what the thing you're eating, ate. So whatever that cow was fed, 
you're now eating it too. So when you do eat animal protein, 
make sure to get grass-fed grass   finished meat and wild-caught seafood. 
By cutting back and helping your gut, you're helping to revive the rest of your 
body too and you'll feel brand new again. Number six, putting cream or 
milk in your coffee or tea. Sorry, half and half, cream, milk, 
nixes the benefits of coffee or   tea by binding to the polyphenols, making 
them useless as nutrients for your body.

Now, if you gotta have a creamer in your coffee, opt for a non dairy option like coconut 
or walnut milk or macadamia nut milk. Now sprouts carries hazelnut and walnut milk. You can also find it on thrive market. So there are alternatives readily available. Number seven, having a smoothie 
or energy bar before your workout. Now, shockingly, this actually impairs your 
performance and ages you, but we've all   been taught that this healthy smoothie before a 
workout is going to make you better and better. In fact, it does the exact opposite. Let me give you the perfect example. When I was growing up, if we had lunch, my mother would not 
allow my sister and I to go swimming   for a hour after lunch because 
we would get cramps and die. Now, there was actually some truth to 
that old wise tale after you eat anything,   whether it's a smoothie, whether 
it's an energy bar, a huge amount   of blood flow is diverted to your stomach and 
intestines for the purpose of digesting food. If that blood flow is going there, guess what? It can't go to your muscles and study 
after study has proven this in humans   that exercising on an empty stomach actually 
gives you improved performance because you   have more of your cardiac output 
available to go to your muscles.

The second thing is that 
you will actually benefit by   producing ketones and remaining in ketosis 
after an overnight fast, by exercising. And you'll actually get some benefit 
in increased mitochondrial uncoupling. If you exercise on a empty stomach,   it makes muscles increasingly 
sensitive to the action of insulin. Muscles need to be hungry 
to accept the food you eat. And if they're hungry, and if you depleted the 
amount of sugar storage in your muscles called   glycogen, then when you eat, and I really 
recommend waiting about 20 minutes after your   exercise, and then take your smoothie or your 
energy bar, then your muscles will be ready.

And studies show that you will 
actually build more muscles and   have lower insulin levels because 
you exercised on an empty stomach. If you eat before your muscles are hungry, 
your blood flow will go down to your gut. Your muscles won't be receptive to 
insulin and you'll negate the whole thing. So please exercise on an empty 
stomach and then you can go over   to the smoothie bar and get what 
you want. And just remember, a fruit   smoothie is one of the most lethal 
things you can put in your stomach. Make sure to check out the next one here. One of the things that you 
may have noticed on social   media is that vinegars help with weight loss. Well, there's nothing magical and 
mystical about how this happens.

As found on YouTube

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About the Author: Eugene Berry