Exercise for Stiff Back – Improve spinal flexibility fast

I'm going to show you terrific
exercise for stiff lower backs so let's take a look at my spinal model here
you're looking at the spine from the front and what it would look like if you can
see the vertebra right through when we do this exercise for stiff low backs
we're going to do what's called a spinal shift or what's termed a translation in
spinal mechanics shifting to the right shifting to the left shifting to the right shifting to
the left now can you see when you look at the spine that that's going to be
very different to a side bend right side bend left very different movement so now
let's take a look on me in order to do the spine shift you're going to need a chair I'm sitting on a stool and the stool has me sitting so that my
hips are just slightly above my knees so not quite at a 90-degree angle something
comfortable you're going to start with your arms level you want a nice upright
posture make sure there's a nice curving in through your lumbar spine when you do
this and we're going to start the shifts but don't be surprised if you shift not
very far when you begin and when you're doing this at home I want you to face a
full length mirror so you can watch your own posture I can't do that
so if you notice any inconsistencies in my posture that's because I have the
camera to look at today okay starting with your arms upright you're going to
keep your feet firmly planted on the ground and your bum on the cushion of
the chair make sure it's not lifting side to side and you start to shift
across to one side now in this position your left buttocks cheek is going to want to lift up so if it starts to that's as far as you shift and then you shift left now
what you notice is my elbows stay level my ears stay level this is what you're
going to look at in the mirror when you're doing it and where you should be
feeling it it's kind of midway through your back for women that's that bra line
because that's the area where the spine is when are you really moving in the
middle and it's an area that we rarely get to exercise so it's a brilliant
exercise for flexibility of stiff spines so shifting right I like to hold it for
just two or three seconds start with the shifts just slightly to the side to
build up your flexibility this may take several days before you start to move
as well as I can and I'm certainly not the most flexible person side to side my
weight distribution is in both feet but as I come to the left of course I feel
my left foot holding more of the weight and make sure my head isn't tipping and
that my shoulders are staying level and that you're staying upright we want to
keep that curve in the low back and I recommend that you do roughly 15 to 20
right and left that's one and that's two then just have a bit of a shake out
when you're finished that's a great exercise for stiff lower back thanks for
watching don't forget click like if you did cheers

As found on YouTube

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About the Author: Eugene Berry