Exercises & Pressure Points for Dry Itchy Eyes – Irritated, red, blurry and tired eyes.

hi i'm dr adam fields and with some help from 
an acupuncturist friend of mine and a scientific   study on tear film breakup with acupuncture we're 
going to see if we can help some of you with some   dry eyes we're going to start by doing some 
of these points on my face a soon is actually   a measurement that goes from the middle finger 
right here just like this so once soon yours is   different than mine back from your hairline you're 
going to go to a point you'll see i have a little   sticker on there and you're going to do some 
massage on there i want you to massage that deeply   get your finger in there the key is see if you 
can get some um a little pain a little soreness is   good right it's it's not necessarily okay i landed 
perfectly on that point at that time but try and   relax your head a little bit i'm talking so it's 
not as relaxed but just let yours go for a second   and just really push into that spot let's brighten 
those eyes up let's get some lubrication in there   good close your eyes for a second and just do 
some circles right on that spot here we go [Music]   that feels great just work it a bit you 
can do this video a couple of times a day   you can pair it with some acupuncture or maybe 
some endonasal cranial adjusting in my office   okay we're going to go to bl2 we're going to go 
to the inside borders of the eyebrow just take   your middle finger and just get in there 
and let's work that some circular motions i know a lot of you have had to even move 
to new areas a lot of people with dry eye   syndrome don't live in the desert 
they find homes in near the ocean   where there's or where there's 49 inches of 
rain a year or whatnot they're moving to to to   portland to tennessee to moving away from death 
valley and just work that just work up and down good and side to side you can go kind 
of fast on this in circular motions good   we're gonna bathe sometimes the eyes a lot of you 
are sleeping actually with your eyes slightly open   you're not getting enough nourishment to 
those eyes so we're gonna have the eyes closed   right now and so your eyes are gonna track 
up and down up and down and keep make sure   the eyes stay shut don't let them part at 
all especially when you're going on that   uptick the eyes up and down you'll feel them 
want to open up but just keep them closed good   hang in there keep going think about as 
you move your eyes they're just being   coated with this beautiful film of tears 
good now we're going to go side to side   side to side with your eyes closed 
keep going side to side [Music] good keep going left right even push into that end 
range motion a little bit push yourself on this   get something out of it here you go now we're 
gonna go to another spot and we're gonna go   right where your pupils would be but above your 
eyebrows in the center of your eyebrows you'll   see i have a little point there and we're just 
going to go it's one soon above so this much   above your eyebrows right there and again find 
that little tender spot use your pointer finger   and let's see some circles good nice to be 
hanging out with you today let's get you   lubricated let's get some movement increase 
circulation around those eyes go for it   a lot of you have given up and i tell 
you there might be some hope here   so let's keep going really push it feel you'll 
feel that tenderness you really will and if on   your spots that are especially tender you want 
to go back and do those throughout the day even   good now we're going to head right over to the 
the lateral tip of your eyebrows right here good there's all these fun names with these 
points i think this one is the silk bamboo   let's get those eyes silky good move them 
again find a tender spot tap into your body   what does it want from you right now what is it 
telling you close your eyes really get into it [Music]   good now the plinking exercises keep going can 
be done throughout the day also in fact a lot   of people say when you're trying to help dry eye 
syndrome you do blinking exercises every half hour   even so if you want to pair that with this great 
really just take this time in your life take four   weeks and just go for it there we go get a little 
release in there so now we're gonna just chest is   up let the arms relax and i want you to blink 
close your eyes pause for a second open relax   close again pause open really when i say relax 
just let those eyes relax now close them and   squeeze them a bit squeeze him shut and then 
open and then relax and then close squeeze open relax close squeeze open relax close squeeze 
it squeeze it strengthen these muscles a little   bit open relax a couple more close squeeze open 
relax one more close squeeze those eyes shut open   relax good let's go right in between your 
eyebrows let's get you'll see i have a point   there right in between a little bit actually maybe 
a little bit up find that little ridge in there   it's called the procerus muscle also 
and then just circular motions beautiful   circular muscle we don't want tightness in here 
we want looseness as i say in a lot of my videos   a lot of problems can just be plumbing issues 
circulation right we want to get things moving   circulating in the body blood flow is so important 
cerebrospinal fluid flow is important and tear   flow is incredibly important so just keep 
doing some circles this one's called yin tang oh it's good now let's go up and down 
with that just up and down and circular again good so next we're gonna go below your eye 
but underneath above that that orbital ridge   right there you'll see i have some stickers 
there we're just going to push right in there   and just get in there and 
do some circular massages   you don't really need to gouge your eyebrows on 
this one just get in there you can close your eyes   if need be nice letting it relax circular motions 
you might find a little tenderness in there   you might find it on the bone you 
might find it just above the bone i think massaging the extra ocular muscles even 
which i do in some of my eye strain videos is   really underrated it really is wonderful you 
can even mobilize your eyes and stretch out   trigger points in those muscles let's 
just go ahead and just work that a bit   beautiful good job okay the next one is the 
suboccipitals i mean they are so important   in fact they say you've got eyes in the back 
your head well visual processing is really   gathered right there in the back of your head 
so go ahead and just give me your hands just   interlace your fingers put your hands if you if 
you have to do it wide that's fine and you're   going to go right with your thumbs right here 
and just start working this area just up and down   just massaging sort of moving the skin just like 
that you can work the thumbs oh this is a good one   the value of the suboccipitals i mean when 
those suboccipitals are free a lot of us have   tight subluxals from altered ergonomics and when 
you get it moving it just just posture changes   people have more wakefulness mmm that feels good 
so just work those subluxables with those thumbs   if you have to come out here if you can't 
interlace your thumbs just come out with your mid   fingers and just go for it if you have 
to get the head forward a little bit   beautiful feel that circulation just pulse 
throughout your entire head feel that   energy flow just increasing in your body 
this is grand central station for your body   we want that energy traffic to just keep 
moving radiating from the tips of your   fingers to the bottom of your feet to the top 
of your head just radiating out your eyeballs   good now we're going to do something called an 
occipital lift take the joint right here on your   thumb right here to your temporal actually it's 
called the mastoid process we're gonna go each   side and we're gonna just lift like that lift that 
head and pull it down on the other side and lift   the other side good this is your temporal bone 
connected to your occipital bone keep going good and let's go ahead and move it back a little 
bit to you to your suboccipitals right there so   move that hand back and push the head more at a 
45 degrees on this one 45 degrees oh loving it let's go ten more one and two and three four five 
six if you have a headache it might just go soon   eight nine ten good so the next moves are 
unilateral the men men you're going to work   on the left side of your body women you're 
going to work on the right side of your body   so we're going to start with the hand right 
we've got this one point called supreme abyss   and it's going to go between your 
radial artery and this tendon right here   and we're going to go right here with 
your thumb and do some muscle work   right there oh that feels good i have a 
little tenderness in there this is phenomenal good this is they say this 
helps with lung energy um beautiful just keep working it oh i have a 
little tenderness in there and if you do find it   work it work at people rep it out it's so good to 
just give yourself some real good direct care some   care to your body and this is all this is backed 
by some science it's pretty exciting in fact   this next point right here that we're going to go 
to it's called lu10 it's the midpoint between this   bone right here on your thumb so let's go ahead 
and just work that just right there with your   with your pointer finger this one has been 
shown interesting um to help with acute asthma   there was a randomized control study right here   i mean go figure who figured this stuff out this 
is wonderful thank you those who dug the well   that we are now drinking from all this great 
science i love it okay keep working that thumb   you'll probably feel some soreness here regardless 
just because you use it some a lot but find that   tender spot find those spots that are just 
speaking to you and saying hey help me i need   some help give me some love all right now the 
next one make a fist and where your pinky lands   there's where you're going to be doing a little 
massaging okay just work that spot oh that's good   this one they say is good for the emotion 
decreasing stress even helping sleep just work that spot give it another 
10 seconds you got it [Music] good so let's do some eyes closed circles so go 
ahead and just close your eyes and just work the   entire range of motion of your eyeball like you're 
making a giant circle and let's do 10 of them just   keeping especially that upper arc all the way 
up and around and down up and around and down   we often are really strong in the lower arc 
because we're looking down at our phones etc   however this is really the opposite now do 
a big circle in the other direction let's   do about 10 of those again you might find 
in that upper arch that your eyes sort of   flutter a little bit it's because 
the muscles are being worked good and a couple of those blinking 
exercises so open your eyes   and let's go ahead and close them and squeeze 
open relax close squeeze open relax close   squeeze it open relax something as simple as 
keep going squeeze and open relax keep going   just the eyes just being able to work the eyes 
squeeze open relax squeeze open relax beautiful   you did a great job we'll see you this evening or 
for your next video this evening and i'm so glad   you're here taking care of yourself please let us 
know if this helped i want to hear your comments

As found on YouTube

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About the Author: Eugene Berry