Gentle Chair Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Relief | 10 Min Chair Yoga

hey anne swanson here and today i'm going to share with you a short routine that you can do for your neck and shoulders and this is great because you can do it right in a chair in your office chair taking a break anytime throughout the day so we'll start by sitting tall in the chair and close your eyes placing your feet flat down on the floor you can wear shoes or take them off and press your feet down to rise up and imagine your head is like a balloon floating up feel a lightness in your head and your neck but all the while your shoulders drop down notice this with the next few breaths head floating up shoulders dropping down and back just a sense of gentle releasing within nobody would really be able to see this action but you can feel it internally gently open your eyes and let's start by moving the mouth in different directions so baby god maybe move in silly faces move the jaw we're releasing tension out of this area because it's all connected oh here's another one all right now bring your lips gently to touch and feel your jaw drop no need to hold a facade a face just let your face release and keeping that head floating up like a balloon slowly turn your head to one side look over one shoulder come back to center and slowly turn to the other side and back to center turning over maybe you can turn a little bit further back to center turning we'll do one more on each side so turning to this direction and see how far you can go we're going to hold here not forcing it but focus on the length up and notice if that allows you to turn just a little bit more see how far you can look behind you with your eyes and then come back to center we'll do the other side see your natural stopping point get a little taller feel that head floating up and then turn just a little bit more and back to center now we're going to tilt the head to the side so tilt your head to one side like this and then bring the chin down ever so slightly feel the side of your neck lengthening stretching you can imagine the shoulder is dropping down and actually you can gently move that shoulder in tiny circles to massage out the side of your neck and then float your head back up to center and other side tilting and then shin down ever so slightly drop that shoulder down and begin to move it massaging out the side of your neck notice your breath and then float your head back up to center and take your chin and bring it back so chin is staying parallel to the ground but you're trying to bring it back as much as you can and then release we'll do that a few times so counteracting the effects of that forward head position release bring it back and release two more times bring it back and release last time bring it back and hold here for a moment should feel a little bit awkward to lengthen the back of your neck strengthening muscles needed to keep your head in a good posture and then release and feel how your head just naturally floats up notice this sensation take a nice full breath in and a nice full breath out drop your chin toward your chest shake your head now and then float your head back up once again roll your shoulders back and then start to make those shoulder rolls a little bit smaller deeper in the joint more subtle sometimes can be more profound so notice what it feels like to make those circles small [Music] and then release them back all right any last bit of tension that you have in your shoulders we are going to squeeze it out so take your shoulders squeeze them up toward your ears and release we'll do it again okay squeeze up you can even pucker up your lips in your face and release last time one more time squeeze that tension out and release it out roll those shoulders back you can take a moment and just massage your shoulder maybe one at a time maybe both and then release and feel the resulting sensations vibrations sit up a little bit taller bring your chin back slightly not so much like we did before just ever so slightly so that your ears are right over your shoulders and you may want to test that bring your fingers in your ears and can you drop them straight down and is it right in the center of your shoulder and then close your eyes once again do you feel a glow around your shoulders your neck notice the resulting sensations from just a few minutes of movement maybe one or several of these movements really made a difference for you if so remember which ones put those in your muscle memory feel them visualize yourself doing that movement through the day and then take a few slow breaths soaking in the benefits of what you just did can you feel your head like a balloon floating up light lifting your shoulders sink down as if a weight has been taken off of your shoulders feel your shoulders releasing releasing from the inside out gently flutter your eyelashes to open your eyes and bring this sense of awareness to your neck and shoulders throughout your day so you can notice more often your posture when you are dropping your head forward at the computer or when driving or even simple tasks like doing the dishes can you instead keep your head aligned and feel a sense of floating up thank you so much and be well and if you enjoyed this video please make sure you click subscribe below for more like this feel free to comment i love hearing from you [Music] you

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About the Author: Eugene Berry