Get a Bendy Back Fast! Stretches for Back Flexibility

hey guys it's anna and today we're going to 
be doing stretches for back flexibility which   will help you improve your back bends chest stands 
scorpions and more obviously you can't get a super   flexible back from just one day of stretching so 
i challenge you to do this routine every day for   20 days to see how much your back flexibility 
improves for the chance to be featured at the   end of any one of my videos just share your 
results with me by using the #annamcnultychallenge   on Instagram or TikTok before we 
get started don't forget to give this video a   thumbs up and also subscribe for new videos every 
saturday now let's go ahead and get right into the   stretches to start lay on your stomach and we're 
going to go from a seal stretch which is simply   straightening out your arms and arching back as 
far as you can into a child's pose five times   on your last child's pose we're 
going to hold it for 10 more seconds   and feel free to take a longer break 
here as well because we're not having   any other breaks throughout this routine if you 
are taking a little longer break I recommend   staying in your child's pose as this is a great 
stretch to do in between the harder back stretches   you can now get out of the child's pose to hold 
a seal stretch arching back as far as you can   lay back on your stomach and then reach 
back while bending one of your legs to   grab onto either your ankle or your 
shin once you're holding on try to   straighten out your leg halfway 
so that your foot is pointing up we're going to repeat that 
last stretch on your other leg now grab onto both of your ankles or shins and 
try to straighten out your legs as much as you can remaining laying on your stomach bend both of 
your legs and we're going to do a seal stretch   trying to arch your head back towards your 
feet if you can easily arch all the way back   to your feet try to grab onto your ankles and 
straighten out your legs for the last 10 seconds next walk your hands to one side of 
your body to do a twisting seal stretch we're going to repeat the twisting 
seal stretch on the other side from your stomach go up into a plank to   walk your feet out into a wide 
stance reaching for the ground once you're in this position cross your arms to 
grab onto your legs and then reach up to one side we're going to repeat that last 
stretch reaching to the other side come up to standing and then reach one arm to its 
opposite side for 10 seconds now switch arms step your feet closer together and then 
lean forward while keeping a flat back if you're a beginner just focus on keeping your 
back straight and not curving it in it's better to   have a flat back and be further from the ground 
but if you find that easy try to reach all the   way to the ground again keeping a flat back and 
then try to bring your chest in towards your legs   from here roll up to standing and 
then grab onto the backs of your   legs to arch back as far as you 
can if you want to make this more   challenging go into a regular backbend or 
a teardrop bend for the last 10 seconds only one stretch left so keep going for this 
last one we're going to reach forward and then   once you're reaching as far forward as you can 
while keeping your back straight simply rock   from side to side and that's it for this back stretching routine so 
I really hope you enjoyed it and I can't wait to   see your results from the 20 day challenge 
to subscribe to my channel for new videos   every saturday just click here and if you want to 
stretch out your legs a bit just click here also   today's flexibility transformation feature goes 
to isabellamaya_dance on instagram.


As found on YouTube

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About the Author: Eugene Berry