Morning Yoga in Bed | Morning Stiffness Relief

thanks for joining me for this morning yoga practice that you can do right and bed my name is anne swanson and i designed this routine to help you with morning stiffness and to get things going you can start by setting your phone or device where you can see it comfortably and we're going to start here by reaching your arms overhead lengthening your legs out and stretching from head to toe as much as you have room for you can do a little wiggle here gently reaching side to side awakening your muscles and your mind and then with the next exhale hug both of your knees in toward your chest you can stay still here for a moment or you could begin to rock gently getting a little massage to your low back you can even draw circles with your knees checking in with your body now keep your right knee hugged in toward your chest and lengthen your left leg out you can place it flat down or knee bent foot flat on the bed holding the right knee in begin to draw circles at your hip joint you can do about three in one direction and three in the other and then hug it in tight releasing and switching other side hugging the other knee and toward the chest and hold it with just your left hand drawing those circles as big or small as is comfortable for you make sure you go in both directions and then hug that knee in tight release and switch release and switch we'll do this several times back and forth you can even lengthen the leg out onto the bed if that's comfortable for you breathing next time you hug your right knee in toward your chest well keep it there and lift your hips up a little scooch them to the right on the bed and drop your right knee over your body crossing it over into a twist you may want to grab a pillow to put it under your knee and do any little wiggles you need to settle here for a moment and notice your breath now come on back to center and bring both knees bent feet flat on the bed for a moment and center hugging your left knee into your chest you can lengthen that right leg out and then lift up scooch your hips to the left a little bit drop your knee over your body toward the right side and you can use a pillow and do any wiggles you need to settle here let your head fall in whatever direction is comfortable and notice your breath now come back to center hug the knees into the chest once again this time rock side to side until you rock on over to one side and make your way to hands and knees and then come down to forearms and knees begin by warming up your joints rocking forward and back warming up your elbows feel your shoulders warming up you can make the movement as big or small as you're comfortable with feeling your hips warming up and knees widen your knees a little bit and rock back as far as you comfortably can and then drop your head down maybe even rest it down on a pillow on your hands on the bed whatever's comfortable you may be able to rock your hips all the way back toward your heels into a child's pose but wherever you stop is just fine notice your breath feel your breath in the back of your rib cage expanding for three more full breaths and then make your way to hands and knees to do several cat cows inhale lifting your head and tailbone up dropping your belly exhale rounding your spine dropping your head and tailbone squeezing your low belly in inhale dropping your belly lifting your head and tailbone exhale rounding your spine squeezing your belly dropping your head and tailbone see if you can coordinate this with your breath for the next few [Music] movements and then pause and center and feel the resulting sensations gently rocking yourself to seated you may sit with your legs however they're comfortable maybe crossed maybe legs hanging over the side of the bed just try to sit tall for a moment feeling your head floating up and notice your breath moving in and out of your nose take a moment to set an intention for your day whatever pops into your mind is exactly what you need you could also set the intention for inner peace no matter the circumstances today you will recognize and tap into that inner peace within you that's always there notice your breath and affirming your intention for the day and as you're ready slowly coming up to standing and doing any movements that feel right as you begin your day you

As found on YouTube

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About the Author: Eugene Berry